Why I decided to blog

Let's start this off by stating why I'm doing this. I decided as my Jr year of college is coming to an end that I want to remember this point in my life. I want to write about the major and minor things that happened so far. I am using this as a journal of my life that I'm willing to share with others. No, I did not write this to talk about people or shine a negative light on them. This is something for me to share my journey and be able to vent in a way. Everyone's name will be changed so that people stay private and their lives unknown. Sadly, I will not be able to include everyone but hope to talk about a lot of the people who have touched my life in some way (either good or bad). In the end, my goal is to hopefully help someone who is dealing with something I dealt with or help answer questions that people have. I will begin with my freshman year and stop at where I am now. This blog will be updated every-so-often when I get the time. Feel free to follow me on social media (My life in pictures // My thoughts  and ask me any questions you have! 


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